Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Well it was a pretty quick weekend up in Virginia Beach, VA at Matt Wichilinksi's. Strength Shop. That dude is a effin' beast. His gym has more tools for a person to get stronger in his space than in a huge 17,000 sq. foot gym. He was pulling out things out of every corner that were stowed away but when he showed you what they were for left you looking for more. I left school Friday, flew down to Virginia Beach and was up at the Strength Shop at 9 a.m. Zach Even-Esh has got to be on of the coolest dudes I've ever met and not just riding his jock. I learned more in that 9-5 than any other day about Strength and Conditioning but also trying to get the business side going as well. . Zach Even-Esh and Matt did a great job of using each others knowledge on training athletes to give us some good information. Going up there on the first day of my Spring Break will hopefully get the ball rolling in terms of training athletes and applying the education/internships I busted to get. I know its going to be slow to start but getting the ball rolling is key. I have a beautiful, girlfriend Sonny who knows this is something I want to do, supportive family and my bro Big Lou to experiment on.

Today's workout Wendler 5/3/1 Cycle 10 Deadlifts.

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