Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Squat... Abbreviated Version

Squat Cycle 10 Wendler 5/3/1 Set of 5+ Reps
5 minute walk
PVC Rolls-Hamstring Toes Out, Straight Up, and Toes In 5 passes each
Glute x 10 passes each side
Piriformis x 10 passes each side
Side of Quad x 10 passes each side
Front Quad x 10 passes each side
Above 2 Rounds

X5 X5 X3 X5 X5 X5+
155 195 235 255 290 330
170 215 255 280 320 365

I was able to get 330 x 12 reps and Lou was able to get 365 x 14. Same # of reps but up 5 lbs. Belt on last two sets.
I was unsure how many I would get because I banged up my knee and it was swollen but was good to go.

After squat, 60 lbs. DB Swings and DB Front Squat-10 reps each exercise 5 rounds. In and out in 45 min. No video had no time. I even thought of leaving right after the squat. Don't know when I can leave Wendler 5/3/1 because I have been making good gains but there is other stuff to try. Track meet Wednesday so next training session will be Thursday with Push Press for x 3+ reps.
28th B-Day Today.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I have had the chance to work with and follow some knowledgeable people in Strength and Conditioning. In no particular order, I'll describe each influence on me and my training...

Leo Seitz, Texas State University Strength Coach
This cat is one of the most NO-nonsense people I ever had the opportunity to study under while I was a Grad Assistant Instructor at Texas State. I just went into his office one day and say "Hey man I want to help out" all he said was "Ok". Even though I don't share his passion for Olympic Lifting but we both like to lift heavy crap. Anytime I would see an Undergrad I would tell them to spend some time around him because they would learn something. A quote from his alter ego,"When you are not strong, your fate is determined by those that are stronger." Dr. Demento

Jeff Madden, University of Texas Head Strength Coach
Here is another coach that DOESN'T PUSSYFOOT AROUND! I had the opportunity to Intern with him and his staff my final semester of Grad School in Spring of 2008. You know he is doing good things if I driving an hour each way just to be around the things that he was doing. The thing I took away was how he even let the Interns coach up the athletes.

I finally made it to one of Zach's Live Events and now I am kicking myself for not going to one sooner! I have been a fan of his for a while and he has always been in the back of my mind telling to get a gym going. It took me traveling to Virginia Beach to get the ball rolling. I also had some similarities since he was also a public school teacher. He's "Killing it!"

Jim Wendler, Elitefts.com
Jim Wendler has to be the best Q and A on the Internet. The way he answers some of the readers questions is similar to the way you would talk to one your buddies at the gym. Not too long ago he came out with 5/3/1. I have been using it with great success and have seen my lifts go up while training with it. Highly recommend it.

I have been getting useful tips into my inbox for quite some time from Jason Ferruggia. His style is great for the beginner since he focuses on big movements. He has also been training clients for a long time so he knows whats up.

Joe DeFranco, DeFranco's Gym
I learned a lot about training from Joe's DVD Super Strength. I had never heard or seen some of the exercises until I got the DVD. Another great contribution Joe had was the WS4SB and different ways of getting stronger. I also pay attention when he talks about business because he started training people in a small space.

Matt Wichilinski, Strength Shop
Matt was the great host of Underground Strength Coach Mentorship at Virginia Beach, VA. His gym is ridiculous and there are few things allowed in there that do not inflict pain or get your stronger. He is also very knowledgeable on the Oly Lifts and a STRONG S.O.B. Walking into his gym solidified that you can get started in any space.

Well there you have it a long but good post on people that have influenced my training.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wendler Cycle 10 5/3/1 Set of 5+ Reps

X5 X5 X3 X5 X5 X5+
165 205 245 265 305 345
155 195 235 255 290 330

Me and Lou both got 20 reps on the final set.
Previous Records for Lou was 330 lbs. x 11 and for me was 345 lbs. x 15.

Followed up by 3 sets of 10
1A) Good Morning
1B) Squat
1C) 60 lbs. DB Swing
1D) Band Pull Down Abs x 15

Tabata Jump Rope. 8 sets of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off.

Good training session, after Deadlifts it's hard to keep the intensity up....kinda goes in waves. Friday is x 5+ reps on Bench Press with other Upper Body Assistance. Saw some kids from the school that are at the high school now...they are in the background. 4 more days off for Spring Break.


Well it was a pretty quick weekend up in Virginia Beach, VA at Matt Wichilinksi's. Strength Shop. That dude is a effin' beast. His gym has more tools for a person to get stronger in his space than in a huge 17,000 sq. foot gym. He was pulling out things out of every corner that were stowed away but when he showed you what they were for left you looking for more. I left school Friday, flew down to Virginia Beach and was up at the Strength Shop at 9 a.m. Zach Even-Esh has got to be on of the coolest dudes I've ever met and not just riding his jock. I learned more in that 9-5 than any other day about Strength and Conditioning but also trying to get the business side going as well. . Zach Even-Esh and Matt did a great job of using each others knowledge on training athletes to give us some good information. Going up there on the first day of my Spring Break will hopefully get the ball rolling in terms of training athletes and applying the education/internships I busted to get. I know its going to be slow to start but getting the ball rolling is key. I have a beautiful, girlfriend Sonny who knows this is something I want to do, supportive family and my bro Big Lou to experiment on.

Today's workout Wendler 5/3/1 Cycle 10 Deadlifts.

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