The next idea I have in store can cause cursing and thanking at the same time.
For those that can't see the price it is $3.62 for a 50 lb. bag of gravel. How much do weights cost? Searching around I didn't find anything cheaper than $1 per pound for brand new plates. Having a loose 45 lb. plate won't help much because the exercises that can be performed is limited due to the round shape. For less than $4 someone just got a new tool for their training. Things that are possible with the sandbag are not limited to Front Squat, Front Lunge, Back Lunge, Shoulder Squat, Shoulder Lunge, Ground to Shoulder, Good Morning, Power Clean, Clean to Squat, Clean to Press, Squat to Press, Bent Row, Back Squat, Bear Hug Carry and a bunch of others that take some imagination to concoct.
You can even throw it!
Remember this was cheap so throwing it won't be any skin off your hide and is easy to replace. Try throwing that brand new 45 lb. plate. If you plan on throwing it or would like to have an extra layer of protection head over to the section where garbage bags are kept.
Contractor bags are thicker, heavy duty trash bags. Buying these will cost little more but can help keep gravel in the bag. Double up the bag for more protection but there's only 12 that come in a box so don't waste them. Don't open the gravel bag unless you plan to have different sizes other than 50 lbs. Just keep in it's original bag put into a contractor bag, duct tape it and that's it.
This gift idea is my personal favorite because of the versatility and variety it adds to a training session. In an upcoming post I will detail exactly how to construct a sandbag that will endure the most grueling workout. Until then let me know how you enjoy then ideas at the NB Strength Coach Fan Page.