The month of March has been a good to me for a couple of reasons. It's a constant reminder of the good things in my life. I was born in March so every year I get to think about the positives of the past year and what's the outlook for the future.
My beautiful fiancée was born towards the beginning of March so it starts the month off on a good foot. She has always been there for me and is my #1 supporter. She might be the nicest person in the world but don't take my word ask somebody. Also she is sometimes the final say on some of the pics used on the site so she has a good eye.
My dog's birthday is in March and since she is the closest thing I have to a kid so I can't leave her off the list. Anyone that has a dog will tell you how important they are to your sanity. She is always there ready to go for my 5:45 a.m. walks around town. If you don't have a dog I'm sure Mr. Whiskers is close to the top of your list.
About a year ago I began writing on this website. I have had more people than I ever thought would show up to the site. Here's a couple of guys that have been consistently dropping by and hopefully learning something from my site. Each one has added to the discussion or even brought in something new. I have talked to these guys about training, what works for them and even helped make some equipment for them. If they weren't spread out across the country or busy they would definitely be welcome in my lifting group.
Danny Martel
B Mac
I have learned a lot about writing for the website. Writing a consistent, relevant, informative blog is harder than you think. You can be passionate about something but putting down your thoughts is pretty tough. Another challenging part to writing a blog is to come up with topics that are interesting to the reader. As I continue to write I plan to get better with the posts and reach out to more readers. If any readers have any suggestions drop a comment or message and let me hear what you think.