The Bench Press is a worldwide favorite exercise of nearly everyone that steps into weight room. Have you seen an open bench press on a Monday afternoon? I think not. You'll still be able to do the beloved bench press but will add board presses to the menu. Boards can improve weak points from the chest to lockout depending on the thickness of the board.
To make the boards you start off some 2x4 from the local home improvement store.
At Lowes for $5.67, you will have a piece of lumber that is 2x4x16 which is roughly about 192 inches of material. This should be enough for a 2, 3, 4, and 5 board. The bottom base board will be longer in order to have a handle. I would make the handle board 14 inches and any other board will be 12 inches.
- 2-Board-14 inch plus 12 inch=26 inches
- 3-board-14 inch plus (2) 12 in=38 inches
- 4-board-14 inch plus (3) 12 in=50 inches
- 5 board-14 inch plus (4) 12 in=62 inches