Saturday, December 22, 2012

Knee Slapping Myths

Do anything for a while and you are bound to come across some nonsense being spewed.  If you sit and actually listen to some it gets pretty comical.  This happens daily in regards to Strength and Conditioning.  Do this.  Don't do that.  Try this.  Take that.  There is so much to take in one can get lost with all the information.  Today we'll tackle some of the most common myths that paralyze beginners from making any gains.

1.  Females Should Train Differently.

Like how?  Sorry guys, but females endure one of the toughest times possible in giving birth.  Not everyone has had a baby but its safe to say they are better equipped.  I get asked all the time "How do you train females."  Easy.  The same way I train everyone else.  The weights might be lighters for some things but the intensity is still there.  I would focus on Lower Body and Full Body sessions paying close attention to unilateral leg strength due to the abundance of knee injuries.  Girls, take it to the limit you weren't made to gain freaky mass so not to worry.

Joy Byxbee is ridiculous and doesn't think being strong is wrong.

2.  I Don't Train Lower Body.

Because...  I hurt my back...  Because they get enough work when I run...  Because I don't know what to do...  Training the Lower Body can be a painful and rewarding experience.  When I train people the greatest gains I see are increases in strength, power, and size in their lower body.  Not only because its a larger muscle group but most haven't done what is necessary to make progress.  Attack your lower body with explosive movement, basic strength exercises, challenging auxiliary work and see growth you never thought possible.  A bare bones outline would be a form of jump, squat or dead lift variation and finish with some high rep unilateral or hypertrophy leg work.

3.  I Need To Max Out All The Time To Get Stronger.

This belief comes from beginners who achieve some success and the attitude of "more is better."  I've done it too.  When I first got into the weight room I started with arms EVERYDAY.  I figured it was important to so I'll start off with it.  Things were good until overuse injuries crept up.  In that instance I wasn't max weight but max overuse.  A well thought out training regimen revolving around Press, Dead, Bench, Squat based on a "Training Max" not a true balls to the wall max.  I'd stay away from 1-Rep maxes until you get proficient around a weight room.  Too much too soon and you'll be down before you even got started.  My first suggestions is to learn how to take a sub-max weight past what is normally comfortable.  10, 15, 20 reps?  As long as they are clean and under control.  Leave a couple reps undone.  When a lifter learns to get uncomfortable and still be under control, doors start opening.  
6 weeks later...
Any other myths stopping you?  Make sure to share them at the NB Strength Coach Fan Page.

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